Category: code

  • Adventures in APIs: A tiny lil’ weather app

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    This is my second app (huzzah!) – and I made it purely for learning purposes. I needed to figure out how to access online data, and weather data is a decent place to start since it’s familiar and there are a lot of well-documented options to choose from. The image above shows the main weather… Read more

  • Insulin, Carbs, and a bit of Minecraft: Creating my First Mobile App

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    Hi everyone – I’m excited to share my first mobile app! It’s really more of a mini-app that is a step along the way to building something better, but it’s still a big deal to me ❤️ It’s extra fun because it let’s me mush together my absolute dorky love of coding, my appreciation for… Read more

  • Loop data, part 6: Day 3 Highs – are they real?


    I’m trying to figure out if I’m just imagining it, or if Alma’s blood sugar is consistently high on the last day of her Omnipod. For anyone who’s less familiar with insulin pumps and how they work, Alma wears an Omnipod Dash pump. It’s a little plastic pod that sticks to her body for three… Read more

  • Loop data, part 4: a bit of plotting


    This time I covered a couple of things – daily statistics calculations and also some really really basic time series plotting. I like daily statistics – and copied most of the code from my older project (older post on daily stats). I like the quick interactive plotting with hvplot but those plots don’t render in… Read more

  • Loop data, Part 3: Figuring out time zones


    The time zone thing is sort of a detail I could have skipped for the time being – I was already converting CGM times from “UTC” to “US/Eastern”, and it would have been fine for the foreseeable future… until we decided to travel someplace that is in a different time zone, and then it would… Read more

  • Extract loop settings at specific times – part 2


    I should probably explain what I’m even trying to do here. I mean, my main goal is, of course, to improve the way I’m treating my daughter’s type 1 diabetes. But the question is – how? One of the amazing benefits of the loop system is that you have control over so many variables. With… Read more

  • Exploring Loop data in a Mongo database – Part 1


    Now that we have Alma up and running with a DIY Loop system, all of her data live on a MongoDB database. Everything is in there – blood sugar (readings every 5 minutes!) and pump data (boluses, corrections, carb ratios, insulin sensitivities, basal settings, etc). This data could really help to figure out her settings… Read more